Berlinale 2012
Wall Street Journal “‘Nuclear Nation’ Examines Lives of Fukushima Refugees. (Feb 17)”
The interview of dir Atsushi Funahashi
“I wanted to depict this waiting time that you easily neglect. They’ve been put in a situation where they have to live in a classroom with 20 people eating boxed lunches, with no privacy, some money for temporary commutes back [home]….It’s unforgivable to me.”
March 11th Interview aired on Radio Magic City Six. (Germany)
Here’s the interview aired on March 11th, 2012 as part of their one-year anniversary special program.
March 11 in Japan, documentary “Nuclear Nation” and “Kizuna in Berlin” volunteer help organization.
“And suddenly everything changed.
One year after the earthquake and nuclear accident in Japan, director ATSUSHI FUNAHASHI and producer YOSHIKO HASHIMOTO talk about their documentary “Nuclear Nation” and Dr. FRANK BROSE and BRIGITTE JOGSCHIES of Kizuna in Berlin e.V. talk about volunteer work in Japan. “
NY Times article on Fukushima docs and “disaster tourism”
A very good article on “Nuclear Nation” and “No Man’s Zone”, another documentary on Fukushima catastrophe by Tohsi Fujiwara.
1-year Anniversary Screening at Kisai High School 311から一年・双葉町避難所にて特別上映会
Two more interviews with Dir. Atsushi Funahashi (In German)
Interviews by 3sat, German tv show.
Another interview on NUCLEAR NATION by 3sat, German tv show.
Reuters Interview on NN.
A year on, Japan nuclear film shows lives in limbo
Based on interviews over the course of the year, the film captures the monotony of their daily lives as they bide their time in cramped conditions with nowhere to go and the mayor describes a “refugee feeling.”
Radio Show interview will be aired on March 11, the anniversary.
Interviews with Dir. Atsushi Funahashi and Producer Yoshiko Hashimoto will be on air in German’s Alex-Berlin. Please check it out if you’re in Germany.
And suddenly everything changed.
On March 11, 2011, Japan witnessed the terrible threefold catastrophe of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident. A year later Gerti is talking to director Atsushi Funahashi and producer Yoshiko Hashimoto about their documentary Nuclear Nation (Berlinale 2012).
Also guests on the show: Frank Brose and Brigitte Jogschies from Kizuna in Berlin, who organize money and volunteers for Japan.
March 11, 11 -12 a.m. (english)
Und auf einmal war alles anders.
Am 11. März 2011 erlebte Japan eine Dreifachkatastrophe aus Erdbeben, Tsunami und Atomreaktorhavarie. Ein Jahr später spricht Gerti mit Regisseur Atsushi Funahashi und Produzentin Yoshiko Hashimoto über ihren Dokumentarfilm Nuclear Nation (Berlinale 2012).
Zu Gast außerdem Frank Brose und Brigitte Jogschies vom Verein Kizuna in Berlin, der freiwillige Hilfseinsätze in Japan organisiert.
7. März, 19 – 20 Uhr (deutsch)
Review on Asahi Simbun News (Japanese)
“Nuclear Nation” was reviewed by Nami Hamada, Asahi Shimbun News.
NN got a distribution deal in the US!
Wide House, our world sales company in France, has closed a deal with an American distributor. It will be theatrically screened in 30 US cities this year!
Here’s a report on Screen International on Feb 16th.